Exhibitor Details

France Gaggioli


Stand: Z21 Solo Artist

France Gaggioli, a French contemporary abstract artist with Italian and German roots, skillfully weaves her multicultural background with her love for the dynamism of Southeast Asia. Based in Singapore for over 16 years, her work is a vibrant blend of European charm and Asian zest, rooted in a deep-seated passion for creative exploration. With a background in Design and Art Therapy, France's art is a homage to the serene landscapes of France and her keen interest in contemporary and interior design.

Her latest series, "Elemental," is a profound ode to the planet, exploring the essential forces of nature—water, air, earth, and space. Through this series, she aims to highlight the beauty and majesty of our world, fostering a sense of connection and responsibility towards Earth. France's work, characterised by bold, striking colours as well as tranquil, neutral tones, reflects the complexity and balance of the natural world. Her art, which spans both vibrant expressions and serene meditations, invites viewers into a contemplative dialogue with nature, emphasising the urgency of environmental stewardship. Engage with France Gaggioli's art to journey through a captivating visual exploration of our planet's elemental forces.

info@francegaggioli.com 65 9838 6131 All in Package