World Art Dubai

Noora – the divine spark

United Arab Emirates

Stand: PA09 Gallery

Bhairavi Mistry

Bhairavi S Mistry Indian Artist/Art Curator/Solo Establishment licensed Event Organizer based in Dubai since 2014. Being an Art Consultant I provide advice to clients on redecorating old and new houses or the existing one. I have worked with different types of clients from hoteliers, to builders, corporate offices, and individuals who want to spice up their Interior. I am associated with an organization of Artists who make sculptures and paintings as well. I have been helping them market their work by professionally assisting the clients to decide which kind of artwork will suit their requirements. Efficiently lead creative design projects in support of ongoing marketing & promoting the show and artist by selling / commission artwork. I also schedule Art Events & Shows. As an Art Curator / Consultant I have organized many events presenting artworks of different styles from artist from different countries with around hundreds of artworks displayed in each event. All the artworks are based on stories or theme making the client feels a sense of peacefulness and happiness whenever they see the art piece. Art piece creates a positive and blissful environment always receiving compliments from the viewer wherever it is place. Also want to promote emerging artist especially young girls through my exhibitions so they good exposure. I want to organized exhibitions and auctions with the young generation to motivate and encourage them to purse art as full-time career. Have organized couple art workshops for mentally challenged people to support them in their difficult times. Through this way we can give back to society making someone happy for a lifetime. Art is such a thing which makes your soul smile. The more you give the more you get through ART. I have different Nationalities Artist in my team who work on variety of styles like Oil, Acrylic, Water Color, Texture Painting, Mixed Media, Paper Cut, Arabic Calligraphy, Portraits, Sand Art, Coffee Painting, Resin Art, Alcohol Painting, Finger Painting Artworks, Fluid Art, Doodle Art, Kerala Murals, Spiritual Energy Artworks, Gold Foil Artwork, Silk Paintings, Palette Knife, Traditional folk artworks etc. to achieve and deliver a good amount of art sales in each event. +971 522786492 All in Package